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16 Little-Known Facts About Archangel Azrael – The Angel of Death

Archangel of Death and Rebirth

Archangel Azrael - The Angel of Death? Free Channeled Messages from Archangel Azrael below!

Archangel Azrael is a lesser known, and yet none the less powerful Archangelic being when compared to commonly known Archangels like Michael, Uriel, and Gabriel.

The name Azrael in Hebrew literally means “help of God” or “whom God helps” depending on the translation. But he’s less known because he doesn’t commonly work with humanity throughout the course of day to day life.

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Archangel Azrael is The Angel of Death

Rather, Archangel Azrael's primary Archangelic responsibility is assisting souls in making the transition from physical life to the spirit world after death. This takes the form of literally assisting the soul in detaching from the etheric and physical bodies, and then journeying through the seven planetary spheres to complete the life review, and prepare for the next levels of incarnation or experience in the higher realms of Spirit.

Azrael works to bring comfort to the dying and then works with them to gently transition from the physical body into spirit at the time of crossing over. Often times those who are dying are mentally and emotionally fully in the astral and spiritual world at the moment their soul detaches from their physical body.

After death, or when the soul actually leaves the physical dimension, Azrael then guides souls through the 7 planetary spheres which are also sometimes called the 7 Heavenly Halls…

This journey through the spheres presents a soul with opportunities to deeply review the life they’ve just lived. This is a deep and powerful experience of reviewing your entire life.

There are many different types of spiritual beings who will join in this process to offer wisdom, support and guidance for souls in reviewing their life, facing past traumas (facing the pain and suffering a soul has caused others is typically the most traumatic to face). There is immense healing, reflection, and learning for a soul in reviewing and recovering from the journey of life. The journey out through the spheres is a journey of healing and review, and then the journey back towards the Earth plane is one of preparation, learning, and planning for whatever incarnation may be next.

Azrael also has a role in tracking souls after death and works with the Elohim (a higher rank of angelic being) to track and monitor souls who are both incarnating and leaving the Earth plane.

Azrael’s Work With The Grieving

Like all the Archangels, Azrael works with entire soul groups rather than individuals, and while his main work is assisting humanity at the level of the soul transitioning from the physical world into Spirit … He does occasionally work with humans within physical incarnation.

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In these instances, Azrael may bring Universal Healing Energy, love and comfort to those who are grieving the loss of a loved one. He also coordinates and assigns angels to step in and forward to assist those struggling to understand and cope with the death of a loved one. Archangel Azrael radiates great compassion and wisdom, holding a space of deep honor, love and respect for those dealing with the grief surrounding death and the journey on a soul makes after departing physical life.

Archangel Azrael is here for you and your family during the time of a loved one or a dear friend while they are dying, he will give you peace and love to help you through the grieving process. His presence seems to have a way of absorbing grief and emotional turmoil, so people can for a moment detach from the pain body, and amidst grief have beautiful experiences of presence and connection to Divine Love.

Azrael also assists and works with those who serve to prepare the dying while still alive (hospice workers, nurses, clergy, compassionate souls). There is an immense benefit in beginning the process of life review while living, and so Azrael compassionately holds the space and wisdom for this process.

On the other side of death, Azrael supports those who seek to council and support those assisting others through grief, bringing wisdom and a calm sense of knowing and understanding that all is well. He will also work to absorb pain energy from the grieving, to energetically protect those attempting to council and assist.

Archangel Azrael Supports Those Who Are Still Living

While living, Azrael can help you to see and understand that it is a thin line between life and death.

This is helpful in recognizing that loved ones are not truly “dead”… And rather after their death, their soul lives on, and they’re now simply journeying through other planes and dimensions. Seeing and recognizing this thin line between life and death can also help you to get motivated to make the most of the life experience you have now. To shift out of staying focused on lower level distractions, and to embrace the opportunity of life to grow, and develop spiritually each day.

Azrael reminds us that after death, we do not bring with us any of our physical possessions, or status that is built and accumulated as physical beings. What we do bring with us as the soul journeys out of the physical body beyond life is the development and growth of the soul. Azrael hence reminds us that soul growth is the main priority for souls to be in the physical, and getting focused on this while living beneath the veil of illusion in life has so many incredible benefits.

Soul growth comes in many forms and Archangel Azazel is ready and willing to assist those working through these important life lessons, helping to release and heal the pain of unforgiveness, guilt, anger and regret, so that we may find peace, and grow and ascend through the process. He is also a huge supporter of spiritual practice and consciously seeking out spiritual development while living as a physical being.

Connecting With Loved Ones In Spirit

Additionally, Azrael can help those who are grieving the loss of loved ones to connect with their loved ones in Spirit or to align signs, and synchronicities bringing a validation that now beyond death, your loved one is still alive and well.

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People often hope for signs and visitations from a deceased loved one too early (while they’re still occupied journeying through the life-review) … In these cases, Azrael will sometimes work with other angelic beings, including the guardian angels of those involved to line up the meaningful signs and synchronicities from deceased loved ones, like butterflies, pennies, flashes of light, and other meaningful synchronicities that bring a reminder and comfort of the thin line between the realms of spirit and the land of the living.

However, at certain points during the transition a soul makes between life, death, and rebirth, Azrael can actually help align visitations and experiences beyond the veil.

Experience a channeled meditation with Archangel Azrael and Archangel Michael about connecting with your loved ones in Heaven here:

Connect With Your Loved Ones in Heaven- Archangel Azrael and Archangel Michael 

Azraels Work With Ascension

We live in an exciting time in which ascension into higher levels of conscious awareness is available to us while we're still living, and not only after death. As a result, Azrael works with those who are at certain stages of their ascension path… To experience and allow profound soul growth within a physical form.

The Presence of Azrael

Archangel Azrael’s presence is strong, quiet, respectful and stoic. His calling cards include feelings of quiet strength and finally finding a moment of being able to step back from grief to simply observe, reflect and see the bigger picture surrounding the journey between life and death. When someone is making the final transition between life and death, the presence of Azrael can be felt like an almost ethereal lightness and stillness that opens up.

His love and compassion for souls is beautiful,

Additional Channeled Messages with Azrael

Archangel Azrael | Ascension

Archangel Azrael and Archangel Metatron on Death

With love and blessings,

Melanie Beckler

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about our creator:
Melanie Beckler

Melanie Beckler is an author, meditation guide, and the soul behind Her meditations, angel messages, and bestselling books, including "Archangel Michael Speaks," inspire individuals around the world to realign with their higher potential, inner light and soul purpose. Her work is rooted in love and compassion, empowering you to shine brightly on your unique spiritual journey of growth and transformation.

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  1. I had Archangel Azrael visit me at 0430 on 29th Feb. He was hovering over me whilst I was in bed. He disappeared and I became paralysed. Fast Flashing images then appeared onto my ceiling however as I was scared I forced my eyes shut and the experience ended. I am left wondering what it was Azrael was trying to show me.

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